Whether you want to take your career up a notch or two, improve your golf game, or gain control of your mental game, your "inner game" is crucial to your level of success. Author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill said, "Success leaves tracks which you can follow." Applying proven inner-game strategies used by highly successful people will help you go from where you are today to the tomorrow you desire—faster and with greater ease. Benefits of this audio program include
– learning the #1 strategy for incorporating inner-game
skills within minutes;
– learning how to control your thinking and not get a lot of "sass" back from
– learning the key to a positive attitude formula that Olympic champions use;
– discovering what impressionist master Claude Monet knew about his inner game;
– learning how to rapidly boost your energy when you feel depleted;
– learning focusing techniques so you stay on target and don't get
These inner-game strategies will help you achieve peak performance in your career, sports performance, and goal achievement. Apply them and take your game to a whole new level!