Your significant other just announced they joined the military. After getting over the shock, you have questions, lots of questions.
What is it like living in the military?
What happens when my spouse deploys?
How do I handle moving all the time?
This honest and insightful book will give you an inside look at a military spouse's life and help you navigate the system. Readers will learn the joys and pitfalls of being married to the military.
The writer dispels some myths about the military lifestyle and highlights the lessons learned along the way. This book will help you figure out what you can do to combat the loneliness you feel every time you move to a new place. How lost you feel trying to deal with a totally different system than anything else you've dealt with before. It also helps you learn to use military-speak, a language of its own.
Where You Go, I Will Go takes you on the author's 31-year journey as a military spouse to show you are not alone in this. She also points out her biggest mistakes, so you don't make them as well.
Where You Go, I Will Go gives you the basics you need to:
See how a move is supposed to go and how they actually turn out.
What to do to ease your child's confusion in dealing with life changes.
Where to go for support, especially during a deployment.
What do all those acronyms mean?
By reading this book, you will find lessons to help you throughout your military career while getting an insider's view of the fun times and the hard times of military life.
What's stopping you from learning the ropes from someone who has been there?